Common Wine Misconceptions That You Should Know About


Wine is a wonderful beverage that is used throughout the world. You always think that you know enough about wine but somehow wine presents a little bit more to us whenever you try something new. But this fact isn’t just true for beginners. It is indeed a recognized fact by people who drink wine regularly. No matter how much you like the wine, there are probably some misconceptions that you might have developed about it. In today’s post from Lethbridge liquor stores, we are going to address some common misconceptions that you’d want to learn about wine:

Cheap wine is bad wine

Many things determine the price of a bottle of wine. Among these things are the quality of wine, the popularity of its winery, the label, packaging, materials, and many different things. Other than materials and quality of wine, other things do not necessarily play a role in making one wine better than the other. So, you shouldn’t judge a wine bottle by its price.

Screw caps are a sign of poor quality

Corks have been replaced by screw caps by many companies in the world. The use of cork has remained a traditional practice of wine manufacturers ever since the beginning. Many people think that wine that comes with a cork cap is of superior quality. But on the contrary, corks tend to damage the quality of a wine because of oxidation and cork taint. Screw caps are better equipped to manage the quality of the wine inside the bottle.

Sweet wines aren’t for true drinkers

There is a common misconception among the visitors to Lethbridge liquor stores. This misconception is that sweet wine is for beginners. Although sweet wines are easy to drink for inexperienced drinkers, they are by no means any lesser than other wines. In fact, sweet wines make up a large portion of the most respected wines in the world.

White wine goes with fish and red with meat

You must have heard about wine combination rules. While this is a good rule to remember, it doesn’t need to be rigorously followed. Finding the right wine has more to do with combining flavors with your food rather than the acidity.

About Andrew Hilton Wine & Spirits:

Andrew Hilton Wine & Spirits is Southern Alberta's leading wine retailer and offers the widest assortment of wine. Around 2000 different varieties of wine and Lethbridge beer are always on hand in their wine shop.

To know more about Lethbridge liquor, visit


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